
Ian's Southern Pacific Model Railway.

My layout is based on Western North American outline and loosely on the late Southern Pacific Railroad. It is nowhere near complete with only the basic shape for scenery, Track work is completed and so is the signalling system I have used the Cti controls and mostly the former BLMA signals now owned by Atlas. Some of the buildings and industry are complete but require some finishing touches.   The layout is housed in a 50 foot by 20 foot shed and is on 3 levels, lower is Staging   Middle and top are the scenic area’s all connected by 2 helix’s both double tracked at a track radius of   36” between the 2 tracks. Helix 1 connects the lower yards with both upper and mid levels and also holds the return loop for continuous running. Helix 2 connects the mid to the top level. Right hand running is the norm. Access is through a swing bridge carrying the double track main mid level and duck under below the top level (which is not too low for us oldies who operate)   Turning left from the